There's a lot people can see. But there's a lot people can't see. Life can be seen through the eyes, but it isn't appreciated until seen through the heart.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

happy by yourself

the past few weeks have proved to be interesting. I spent 4 days in the hospital with a kidney infection and then got diagnosed with mono. before you go all jumping to conclusions and stuff, I don't know where I got either one. I know that I don't slow down, ever. but, I never have, my coworkers will gladly attest to that. I guess it all caught up with me.

in those 4 long days in the hospital, and the time I've been forced to stay home, I have had plenty of time to think. I don't think that since I've been 18, I've been happy alone. I bounced around from "relationship" to "relationship" my entire freshman year, and then when someone showed me what love was really like, it was awesome. the summer after my freshman year, I kind of stopped looking for relationships and just turned it over to God, and he blessed me with my first serious relationship. after that relationship ended, I sensed myself going in a downward spiral. it was like I had taken a backseat to my life and was just watching myself constantly mess up. I've come to realize that right now, I am in no condition to be pursued. I'm jaded. I'm a mess. consider yourself warned. people tell me that they just want me happy. I can't be happy with someone else in my life until I'm happy by myself, with who I am. because it's not fair to anyone for me to expect someone to be happy with me, when I'm not happy with me. 

it's a long road. but I've got a pretty good little head start. I just need to remember that it's okay to be 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. 

it's time for some changes. and this is going to be great. I think I want to move out of this town. I need a fresh start, where no one knows my family, me, or anything. I need to make a name for myself, and on my own. I think I'm re-thinking the whole PA school thing. I really just want to help people. I'm thinking about maybe doing ultrasound. I want to help high-risk and/or underprivileged pregnancy patients. I know there's more to it than that. but I've been blessed. it's time for me to bless others. 

"Oh, this is the start of something good, don't you agree?"